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The Livestack Podcast: Episode 19 / The Three Seasons of Agriculture Data: Shall We Talk About the Fourth One, The Value of Data?

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Welcome to Episode 19 of the LiveStack Podcast! In this episode, we dive into the intriguing world of agricultural data with a discussion titled “The Three Seasons of Agriculture Data: Shall We Talk About the Fourth One? The Value of Data.” Joining us are three exceptional doctoral candidates from the EnTrust Doctoral Network, who bring fresh perspectives on the value of data in agriculture. These guests participated in the Innovation Value Institute (IVI) Summit at Maynooth University in June 2024.

Our guests today include:

  • Erica Tegolo, currently pursuing her Ph.D. at the School of Business, National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM). Erica’s research focuses on developing fair data exploitation principles and frameworks, as part of the EnTrust Doctoral Network. Her host organization is Teagasc, the Agriculture and Food Authority of Ireland, where she is based in the Rural Economy and Development Program (REDP).
  • Leidiane da Silva, who holds a B.Sc. in business administration from the Universidade Paulista, Brazil, and an M.Sc. in business analytics from NUIM. Leidiane is part of the EnTrust Ph.D. program and works at Airfield Estate’s education and research office. Her research interests include data quality, trustworthiness, machine learning techniques, and agri-data.
  • Fjolla Berisha, who completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Computer Engineering at the University of Prishtina and worked as a teaching assistant in computer science. She’s currently pursuing her Ph.D. at NUIM, focusing on digital data ownership and is the author of a scientific paper on neural network algorithms in recommender systems.

Together, we explore how their research and experiences intersect with the evolving landscape of agricultural data, the challenges surrounding its ownership, and the value that can be unlocked through innovation in this space.

Tune in to discover how these data experts are shaping the future of agricultural data—and what the mysterious “fourth season” might hold!

Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion! Tune in online or subscribe to the LiveStack Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.